I was a picky little kid. Forget sushi or steak — I didn’t even like pasta sauce.

Fortunately, I’ve wised up. My picky-ness is more of an idiosyncrasy now — I pick chicken apart because the veins gross me out, and I won’t eat most condiments, especially mayo (whipped egg? really?) —  and while the thought of eating liver or caviar is still too much, I’ve moved far past my distaste for pasta sauce. And I love finding a new place to eat.

Yet, strangely enough, I have yet to experience a restaurant week. I’ve never been home for the ones around here and, well, I was a broke college kid in Boston, what do you want from me?

But now that I have the chance…I’m a little overwhelmed. And I feel like I need some help.

I trust you, WNYMedia readers. So — where would you go? I’m planning on two dinners. My only real criteria: it can’t be somewhere I’ve already been. That’s a short list in comparison to the overwhelming number of participating restaurants.

Make your case. I’ll report back.

After all, if you have to eat to survive, you may as well eat well.